Day 1 - Monday 2nd April 2018
This day was advertised as a chance to see the magnificent views as we ascended to the high pass of Tizi n'Tichka. Unfortunately it was cloudy and rainy and visibility was limited. It did not seem to stop the tourist coaches (which, of course, we were not) stopping at various places to look at the non-existent views.
Once we started descending the weather became less cloudy and blue skies started to appear. This was a day of driving and almost no geology, but the one exception was at our lunch stop where we saw some Ediacaran stromatolites. The geology of these was covered in the excursion handbook and the stromatolite part is reproduced HERE. We stopped at Ait Saoun.
Here we had the first of our lunches. These were rather good; Mohamed and the two drivers set up a couple of tables and set out plates of fruit and vegetables, most of it fresh. Protein was tinned fish - tuna or anchovy. For non fish eaters there was triangles of cream cheese. Bread came in the form of locally produced buns or small loaves. And we had sacks of the best oranges I have ever tasted.
Then it was back in the buses and off to our hotel. Lots of photos were taken through windows and when we stopped; you can see them HERE and HERE.
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
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