Day 5 - Friday 6th April 2018
After an early wake-up call we went to the camels which were kept some distance from the camp, presumably to keep the flies away. It was a shorter ride back to the hotel than it was the other way. We had a quick breakfast, packed our bags and put them into the mini-buses. We would rejoin the mini- buses later in the day but we set off in the 4 by 4s.
Our first stop was some distance off the road - the Devonian Mud Mounds. Prof. Martill's handout can be read HERE. A more extensive discussion of the mud mounds (in PDF form)(and the source of Prof. Martill's diagrams) is HERE.
After looking at and exploring the mud mounds we drove a long distance to find any shade for lunch, passing and looking at a nomads camp on the way. Then we had a fossil hunt on the other side of the mud mounds ridge.
After which we drove to the road, rejoined our buses and headed for Erfoud and our hotel.
A hobbled camel. The leg is bent at what looks like the knee and the foot is tied to the thigh. And the camel stays there all night.
Returning to the hotel in the morning light.
A closer view of the mud mounds. The mud is consolidated by the action of microbes driving carbonate precipitation and lithification.
Close-up of a mud mound. The mud is lithified by the presence of carbonate some of which can be seen here.
Fossil collecting at the second site.
What we found. Any identifications gratefully received!
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6