Days 7 and 8 - Sunday 8th and Monday 9th April 2018
These were mainly days of travelling but with two geologic intervals at the late Cretaceous at Aslfa and a walk through the village of Boutaghrar.
Aslfa is where Prof. Martill does a lot of work and where he brings his students for field work experience. He has written much about it in the excursion handbook and you can see much of this HERE. Boutaghrar was our overnight stop. Apparently Birkbeck College students do their field mapping here.
After our stop at Aslfa we had a long drive through the Valley du Roses, admiring the scenery as we went. There was then a right turn and a long and winding ascent into the High Atlas. The scenery became more spectacular as we ascended into the red beds of the Permo-Trias. And, somewhat to my surprise, we found ourselves driving alongside a fast flowing river.
Eventually we reached our hotel at Boutaghrar and gave a cheer to our drivers who had driven vast distances along some difficult roads and had got us through in perfect safety.
Next morning we walked a mile or so through the village looking at the red sandstone mountains which surround the village.
We then had the long drive to Marakech. The main point of interest was the heavy police presence along the road. We speculated that there was a royal visit pending but it was a cycle race - the Tour du Maroc! You can read about it HERE and HERE.
In the late afternoon we arrived in Marakech. Most of the party stayed at the hotel we had started from but we had decided to stay at a riad in the souk area of the city. With the help of Mohamed, who arranged our taxi, we got to the Riad Dar el Souk with no trouble.
Along one section of the road we passed a qanat - a series of shafts connected to carry water from the mountains to the plains while minimising evaporation. Qanat is an Iranian term. In Morocco they are called khettara.
Looking for fossils at Asfla. Many people found interesting specimens. I was less fortunate.
The village of Asfla. Several of the locals had extensive fossil collections which they were very willing to sell. They found us a ready market.
In the village - bee hives.
Why the village exists - flat land and water.
The end of the walk, reunited with the buses.
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6