Introduction | Windhoek | Okonjima | Okaukejo 1 | Onguma | Okaukejo 2 | Mowani |
Swakopmund | Hoodia | Namtib | Fish River | Springbok | Babylon’s Toren | Going Home |
Saturday 14th October
(The link above takes you to all the photos I took on the 14th October. There are a lot!)
Arriving at Onguma is different from arriving at Okaukejo. When you go through the gate you give your name and the guard alerts your destination that you are on your way. By the time you arrive at your destination cool, damp cloths are there to wipe the sweat off your face, cool drinks appear and people seem pleased to see you. Soon we were in our “tent” and getting ready for our first Onguma game drive.

This first game drive was a little disappointing but then we had been spoiled by previous drives. But even so we saw a lot.

One of the nice things about some of the game drives was that it was not all driving about in a Toyota Landcruiser. As dusk approached we would stop for a Sundowner. Much appreciated!

We were heading back to our accommodation when word came through on the radio that some lions had been spotted. A race through the encroaching darkness took us to a couple of lions lying on a track. It was night and conditions for good photographs impossible. So apologies for the photo below. The lions moved off into the night in disgust at being disturbed and we headed for home.

Sunday 15th October
(The link above takes you to all the photos I took on the 15th October. There are a lot!)
This was a lazy day. We stayed around our accommodation all day, sitting on the veranda and watching the animals drinking at the waterhole – and we saw quite a few!
And we enjoyed breakfast, lunch and dinner at the central building of the camp. It was a rather good day!

It had been a good day.
Monday 16th October
(The link above takes you to all the photos I took on the 16th October. There are a lot!)
We were due to leave Onguma today but before we left we went on a pre-breakfast drive to walk the veldt and learn what to look for. This we did and it was very interesting – but there was an interesting difficulty.
We drove to where the walk was due to begin – and found the place was occupied by a pride of lions! We knew they were there before we saw them, as lions stink. They are meat eaters and are strangers to mouth hygiene. Chris thought someone had farted but it was worse than that. Then we saw them.
We got very close to them and took lots of photos.

After spending 15 minutes looking at the beasts we drove on a kilometre or so and started our walk.

Our walk was interesting looking at various signs especially animal dung, tracks, interesting plants and other things to notice. Not photogenic but interesting.

Then it was back to the Tented Camp for breakfast and checking out. And soon we were heading back to Okaukejo.